Houston Eczema Specialists
What Is Eczema?
Eczema is a general term that describes many types of skin problems. The most common form is atopic dermatitis, which is a skin condition that causes red, itchy rashes.
Although it typically begins in childhood (before the age of five), some people experience it later in life.
According to research, environmental and genetic variables that make it difficult for the skin to maintain a healthy barrier are the cause of eczema.
When this occurs, allergens and germs may get inside and produce an inflammatory reaction that results in eczema.

Different Types Of Eczema
Eczema can take many different forms, and multiple types might manifest at once.
Here are some of its common types:
Atopic dermatitis
Chronic atopic dermatitis frequently develops in childhood. You run a higher risk if you suffer from asthma, hay fever, or have a family history of atopic dermatitis.
Even while it occasionally persists until adulthood, many children outgrow this skin condition.
Contact dermatitis
A rash known as contact dermatitis appears when an allergen comes into contact with your skin.
Example for this are:
- Detergents
- cigarette smoke
- paint
- bleach
- wool
- astringents
- acidic foods
- specific soaps
- scents
- and skin care items,
- animal dander or pollen
Dyshidrotic eczema
Itchy blisters develop on the edges of the fingers, toes, palms, and soles of the feet as a result of dyshidrotic eczema.
Stress, allergies, sweaty hands and feet, or exposure to metals including nickel, cobalt, and chromium salts are some of the common causes of it.
Seborrheic dermatitis
Skin redness and flaking brought on by seborrheic dermatitis typically affect the scalp, face, and upper chest. Although it affects people of various ages, this ailment is commonly known as “cradle cap” in infants.
Stasis dermatitis
Pain, itching, scaling, and redness are the symptoms of stasis dermatitis. If you experience persistent ankle/calf swelling, you are more likely to have this disorder.
Typically, when there is insufficient blood flow in the veins of your legs, part of the fluid spills out and irritates the skin. You might have oozing, open sores, and infection in more serious cases.
Nummular eczema
Circular, dry, and often extremely irritating skin lesions are brought on by nummular eczema. It may be related to bug bites, skin irritation, or dry skin throughout the winter, according to researchers.
What Are The Symptoms Of Eczema?
Symptoms tend to flare up periodically and then subside for a stretch of time.

Symptoms vary from person-to-person, but may include:
- Dry, itchy skin
- Rashes
- Redness
- Swelling
- Skin that may crack and seep fluid
- Thick, crusty skin
- Scaly skin
This skin ailment is particularly prone to affecting the upper chest, neck, eyelids, wrists, and hands.
It can be located on the inside of your elbows or knees. In infants, the head and face are frequently affected.
Dry and itchy skin? Visit Skin Cancer Specialist to enjoy life without an itch. If you’ve been searching for an eczema specialist near you, our dermatologists are equipped to diagnose and treat your condition effectively.
What Causes Eczema?
Although eczema and other common juvenile health issues appear to run in families, experts don’t fully know what causes the condition.
Many kids who have eczema have a parent, sibling, or another member of their immediate family who also has eczema, hay fever, or asthma.
Furthermore, it is unclear why, despite the fact that many infants who get the condition in the first few months of life experience no symptoms by the time they turn two, half of all children with the illness still experience minor symptoms as adults.
How To Diagnose Eczema
Symptoms tend to flare up periodically and then subside for a stretch of time.
Eczema cannot be diagnosed with a lab test. By checking your skin and looking over your medical history, your doctor will probably determine your diagnosis.
In order to exclude other skin conditions or recognize conditions that go together with your eczema, he or she may also perform patch testing or other tests.
What Are The Treatments For Eczema?
By conducting a complete physical examination and analyzing your medical history, Dr. Fakhouri can determine if you have eczema. He might inquire as to whether any members of your family experience allergies, such as hay fever or asthma.
After that, Dr. Fakhouri collaborates with you to pinpoint the causes of your specific problems. He might inquire as to whether rashes show up after consuming a specific food or coming into contact with a specific substance.
Finding your triggers is crucial since you might be able to prevent flare-ups in the future by avoiding them.
The key to maintaining eczema care is avoiding triggers, and Dr. Fakhouri may also suggest treatments such as:
- Light therapy
- Medicated skin creams
- Oral medications
- Lifestyle changes to reduce stress
Dr. Fakhouri also teaches you how to take care of your skin at home, such as switching to a mild soap and moisturizing every day.
Skin Cancer Specialists will help you gain back your lost confidence.
Am I A Candidate For Eczema Treatment?
Symptoms tend to flare up periodically and then subside for a stretch of time.
Eczema can be diagnosed and treated by our doctors. You might be a candidate for treatment if you have been diagnosed with the condition and would like to reduce symptoms like redness, irritation, rashes, or bumps.
When you come in for a consultation with our dermatologists in Texas, we can help you determine which treatment is correct for you.
How Much Does Eczema Treatment Cost?
The price of treating eczema varies depending on a number of variables, including the kind of eczema you have, your insurance coverage, and the customized treatment plan that will be most effective for you.
At Skin Cancer Specialist, we think the best treatment entails a personalized treatment plan that takes care of the unique root causes of your condition as well as its symptoms to provide long-lasting relief.
Call us to set up a consultation for a customized treatment plan if you’d like to learn more about your specific costs.
What To Expect After Eczema Treatment
When treating eczema, there is little downtime and you may instantly get back to your normal routine.
Our dermatologists advise reducing sun exposure, and it is advised to frequently apply sunscreen if you are exposed to the sun.
Additionally, patients should often moisturize the area under treatment.
Why Choose Skin Cancer Specialist For Your
Eczema Treatment?
Treatment for this condition is not a one-size-fits-all procedure.
With that, here are some reasons why you should visit Skin Cancer Specialist for your eczema treatment in Texas:
- There are many different types of eczema, and many different treatments available. At our clinic we can help you determine the best treatment for your condition.
- Our research efforts have allowed us to provide the most cutting-edge treatments for this condition.
- We can perform tests to determine if you have any allergies that are aggravating your condition or resulting in contact dermatitis. Our patch testing is tailored to your specific requirements.
At Skin Cancer Specialists, we can help you determine the best treatment for your condition. If you’re searching for an eczema specialist near you, our locations in Sugar Land, Conroe, Katy, and Memorial, Texas, make us a convenient choice for personalized care.