Definition: Perioral dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that causes a red, bumpy rash around the mouth. It can also affect the areas around the nose and eyes. The rash may be itchy or burning.
Causes: The exact cause of perioral dermatitis is unknown, but it’s thought to be linked to a combination of factors like steroid creams, certain cosmetics, fluoridated toothpaste, and genetics.
Pros of Treatment: Treatment can relieve itching and improve appearance.
Cons of Treatment: Treatment often involves stopping suspected triggers and using topical antibiotics or other medications. These medications may have side effects.
Alternatives: Identifying and avoiding triggers is crucial for managing perioral dermatitis.
Recovery Time: With treatment, perioral dermatitis can improve within weeks, but relapses are common. Long-term management may be needed.
Disclaimer: Perioral dermatitis can be mistaken for acne. See a dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment plan.