Psoriasis Specialists in Houston

Transform Your Skin: Discover Relief from Itching, Inflammation, and Flare-Ups with Our Expert Psoriasis Specialists

"Amazing Results - Satisfied Far Beyond My Expectations"

Unbearable itchiness? Skin Cancer Specialists will help you feel relief from Psoriasis.

The signs and symptoms vary from person-to-person. Depending on the type and severity of your condition, you may experience the following symptoms:
  • Red patches of thickened skin covered in silvery patches
  • Dry, cracked skin
  • Scaly skin
  • Itchy, burning, or painful skin
  • Thickened or ridged nails
  • Swollen or stiff
  • Plaques can develop anywhere, but this condition most often affects the skin on your knees, elbows, scalp, and lower back.

    What Is The Treatment For Psoriasis?

    As a highly trained dermatologist, Dr. Fakhouri can make diagnosis by performing a physical exam and review of your medical history. Then, he develops a treatment plan to help you manage your particular condition.
    Treatment may include:
  • Topical medicines. This therapy can reduce rash build-up among mild cases by applying gently on the skin for a certain period of time.
  • Lifestyle changes. Transitioning to a healthier lifestyle can decrease symptoms and prevent severe flare-ups. Doctors may advise to quit smoking, lessen alcohol intake, and eat a balanced diet regularly.
  • Light therapy. Exposing skin to natural or artificial light to improve the skin’s condition and decrease inflammation. Therapy is usually done on repeat for moderate to severe cases.
  • Medications. Intake of oral or injected medications such as steroids and retinoids to lessen inflammation of persistent patches for moderator to severe cases.
  • Since this disease is an ongoing skin problem, Dr. Fakhouri continues to monitor your health with follow-up appointments. This helps him modify your treatment to create optimal results. If you think you have psoriasis, call or book an appointment online today.

    How To Diagnose Psoriasis
    It is best to consult a skin expert to assess your condition if you have the common symptoms associated with the condition. A specialist has the expertise to diagnose common skin diseases such as psoriasis.
    A doctor checking up the acne of young lady skin cancer specialist dermatology treatment with doctor fakouri in texas


    The specialist assesses your health, specifically your skin, scalp, and nails.

    doctor examining young womans face skin cancer specialist dermatology treatment with doctor fakouri in texas


    If symptoms are visible in the body, your healthcare provider can take a sample of the affected area for further investigation. A biopsy is a specific type of laboratory examination where a skin sample goes under a microscope to confirm your condition.

    doctor checking patient with psoriasis problem skin cancer specialist dermatology treatment with doctor fakouri in texas


    Based on the results of the examination, your doctor confirms if you have the condition or if you have another skin disease. This step guides your doctor on what the next step will be.

    Client Reviews  for Skin Cancer Specialists
    Why Customers Love Skin Cancer Specialists

    Why Choose Skin Cancer Specialists For Your Psoriasis Treatment?

    When it comes to skin disease treatment, it is best to seek help only from the best. Skin Cancer Specialists takes pride in being the leading specialists in Texas.
    portrait of doctor skin cancer specialist dermatology treatment with doctor fakouri in texas

    Highly-trained skin experts

    With years of experience in dermatology and surgery, our skin experts led by Dr. Fakhouri, have in-depth knowledge of different types of skin diseases. Dr. Fakhouri can perform the best treatments with the utmost expertise no matter what your skin condition is.

    a patient and a dermatologist in session skin cancer specialist dermatology treatment with doctor fakouri in texas

    Excellent service

    The moment you step into the clinic from consultation and treatment up to follow-up check-ups, you can count on our staff’s outstanding quality of service.

    doctor and patient talking skin cancer specialist dermatology treatment with doctor fakouri in texas

    Convenient locations

    You can get a consultation in any of our locations in Sugar Land, Houston, Katy, and Conroe and receive the same level of high-quality treatment. Are you looking for treatment? Book a consultation with a Texas psoriasis specialist today.

    Meet Our Doctors
    Tarek Fakhouri, MD
    Anita Ishaq-Juarez, PA-C
    Laura Nguyen, PA-C

    Start Your Journey to Clear and Healthy Skin Today

    Sugar Land, TX
    Conroe, TX
    Memorial, TX
    Skin Cancer Specialist © 2024 All Rights Reserved

    Online booking with Dr. Fakhouri is not available, as a referral is required. If you have a referral and would like to schedule an appointment, please call us or fill out the form, and our team will contact you promptly.